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1.08 Measuring cells

Magnification and Resolution

  • Magnification:
    • Describes how much larger an image appears compared to the actual size of the object.
  • Resolution:
    • Resolution is the ability to distinguish two close points as separate. Higher resolution reveals finer details.

Why a Limit Exists:

  • The resolution of light microscopes is limited by the wavelength of light, meaning fine details smaller than about 200 nanometers (nm) are indistinguishable.
  • Electron microscopes use electron beams with shorter wavelengths than light, providing much higher resolution and allowing scientists to see sub-cellular structures invisible under a light microscope.
  • Electron microscopy was developed to overcome this limit, allowing scientists to observe structures at a much smaller scale.


  • Observed Size of Image (I): The size of the object as it appears under the microscope (what can be measured with a ruler or scale on the image).
  • Actual Size (A): The true size of the object being viewed, before any magnification.

Measuring Cells Using an Eyepiece Graticule

  • Eyepiece Graticule:
    • A transparent scale inserted into the microscope eyepiece, typically with 100 divisions, used for measuring cells and structures. These divisions in themselves do not have units. We assign units to them with the help of a stage micrometer.
    • To measure, align the object with the graticule; the difference between scale points gives a measurement in eyepiece units.
  • Calibration of the Eyepiece Graticule:
    • Stage Micrometer: A microscopic ruler with known measurements:
      • 1 mm total length
      • Subdivided into 10 larger decisions
      • Each of the 10 larger divisions were further subdivided into 10 smaller 0.01 mm for division
    • ..is placed on the microscope stage.

Stage micrometer (the tiny line in the middle of the circle), it has a 1mm total length with the smallest divisions of 0.01mm.

  • Align the eyepiece graticule with the stage micrometer to calibrate the value of each eyepiece unit in micrometers (μm).

Worked Example for Measuring Cells

  • Suppose 100 eyepiece units align with 0.25 mm on the stage micrometer.

Calibrate the Eyepiece Graticule:

    • Suppose 100 eyepiece units align with 0.25 mm on the stage micrometer.

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