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P.02 Experiments

Overview of Experimental Investigations

  • Purpose: In biology experiments, we often investigate how changing one variable affects another.
  • Examples of Variables in Investigations:
    • Enzyme Concentration: Effect on enzyme activity (e.g., rennin’s effect on milk clotting).
    • Temperature: Effect on catalase activity.
    • Surface Area: Effect on the rate of diffusion.
    • Solution Concentration: Effect on the percentage of plasmolysed onion cells.

Case Study: Effect of Enzyme Concentration on Rennin Activity

  1. Background on Rennin:
  • Rennin (Chymosin): An enzyme found in the stomachs of young mammals; used in cheese-making.
  • Function: Rennin clots milk by acting on casein, a milk protein.
  • Process:
    • Casein molecules in fresh milk form micelles (small, organized groups) dispersed throughout the milk, creating a uniform emulsion.
    • Rennin Action:
      • Rennin breaks down casein into smaller molecules.
      • Disrupted micelles cause casein to coagulate (clump together), forming curds.
  1. Milk Clotting Mechanism:
  • Micelles: Casein molecules in micelles give milk its smooth texture.
  • Action of Rennin:
    • Rennin acts on casein micelles, splitting them into smaller molecules.
    • Result: Casein molecules stick together, causing milk to clot and form curds (solid) and whey (liquid).

Approach to the Experiment: Investigating Enzyme Concentration and Clotting Rate

  1. Define Variables:
  • Independent Variable: Enzyme concentration (different concentrations of rennin).
  • Dependent Variable: Rate of milk clotting (time taken for milk to coagulate).
  1. Set Up the Experiment:
  • Prepare different concentrations of rennin solution.
  • Add each concentration to separate samples of fresh milk under controlled conditions (e.g., same temperature).
  1. Data Collection:
  • Observe and Record:
    • Measure the time taken for visible clotting to occur in each milk sample.
    • Record time accurately for each concentration level.
  • Expected Results:
    • Higher rennin concentrations should result in faster clotting rates, as more enzyme molecules are available to act on casein.
  1. Control Variables:
  • Keep all other factors constant:
    • Temperature: Rennin activity is sensitive to temperature changes.
    • Milk Volume: Ensure equal milk volume across samples.
    • Mixing: Stir each mixture similarly to distribute the enzyme evenly.
  1. Analyze Results:
  • Plot a graph of enzyme concentration vs. clotting rate.
  • Determine how changes in rennin concentration influence clotting time and rate.

Key Points to Remember

  • Clotting Process:
    • Rennin splits casein, causing micelle breakdown and coagulation.
  • Data Collection:
    • Accurately measure clotting time for each enzyme concentration to assess the rate of reaction.
  • Graph Interpretation:
    • Higher enzyme concentration typically correlates with a faster rate of reaction due to more active sites being available.

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