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8.04 Tissue Fluid & Lymph

Blood Composition


  • Description:
    • Appearance: Pale yellow liquid.
    • Main Component: Primarily water (about 90%).
  • Contents:
    • Solutes:
      • Examples: Glucose, urea, electrolytes (e.g., sodium, potassium, calcium).
      • Function: Transport substances to and from cells.
    • Plasma Proteins:
      • Types:
        • Albumin: Maintains osmotic pressure and transports hormones, vitamins, and drugs.
        • Globulins: Involved in immune responses (antibodies).
        • Fibrinogen: Essential for blood clotting.
      • Origin: Mainly produced in the liver.
      • Function: Remain within the blood, contributing to blood volume and pressure.
  • Key Terms:
    • Plasma: The liquid component of blood that transports cells, nutrients, hormones, waste products, and other substances.
    • Plasma Proteins: Proteins dissolved in plasma, primarily synthesized by the liver, crucial for maintaining blood’s properties and functions.

Blood sample (left), Plasma (right)

Formation of Tissue Fluid

Tissue Fluid

  • Definition: Fluid that has leaked out of capillaries into the spaces between cells.
  • Composition:
    • Similar to Plasma: Contains water, ions, and small molecules.
    • Excludes:
      • Large Proteins: Such as albumin, which remain in the blood.
      • Red Blood Cells: Do not pass into tissue fluid.
  • Cell Movement:
    • White Blood Cells (WBCs): Some WBCs can move through capillaries into tissue fluid to perform immune functions.

Movement of Fluid in Capillaries

Capillary Fluid Dynamics

  • Arterial End (Capillary Entry)
    • High Blood Pressure: Forces fluid out of capillaries into surrounding tissues.
    • Water Potential Gradient:
      • Higher Protein Concentration in Blood: Creates an osmotic gradient pulling some water back into the capillaries.
    • Net Movement: Overall, more fluid moves into tissue fluid at the arterial end.
  • Venule End (Capillary Exit)
    • Lower Blood Pressure: Reduces the force pushing fluid out.
    • Water Potential Gradient:
      • Continued Osmotic Pull from Blood Proteins: Encourages water to move back into capillaries from tissue fluid.
    • Net Movement: More fluid is reabsorbed into the blood at the venule end.
  • Overall Effect:
    • Slight Net Fluid Loss from Capillaries: Balanced by the lymphatic system, which drains excess tissue fluid to prevent fluid buildup (edema).


Formation of Lymph

1.Entry into Lymphatic Vessels

  • A fraction (around 10%) of the interstitial fluid enters blind-ended lymphatic capillaries, which are permeable enough to allow fluid, proteins, and even cells to enter.
  • Once the interstitial fluid enters these vessels, it is called lymph.

2. Composition of Lymph

  • Similar to plasma but with fewer proteins.
  • Can contain white blood cells, especially lymphocytes, and sometimes pathogens, cellular debris, or cancer cells (which is why lymph nodes monitor/filter it).

Lymphatic Circulation

  1. Lymphatic Vessels
    • Lymphatic capillaries merge into larger lymphatic vessels.
    • These vessels have one-way valves preventing backflow. Lymph moves slowly, aided by:
      • Skeletal muscle contractions (muscular pump)
      • Breathing movements (respiratory pump)
      • Smooth muscle in larger lymphatic vessel walls
  2. Lymph Nodes
    • Scattered along lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes act as filters.
    • Immune cells (e.g., lymphocytes, macrophages) inside nodes detect and fight pathogens.

Return to the Heart

Venous System

  • Lymph ducts eventually flows into the superior vena cava (ie., the blood and lymph mixes), then back to the right atrium of the heart.

Continuous Circulation

  • This process maintains fluid balance (prevents edema) and allows lymph to be constantly surveyed by immune cells before re-entering circulation.

Conditions and Homeostasis


  • Definition: Accumulation of excess fluid in tissues, leading to swelling.
  • Causes:
    • Excess Fluid Leakage: Can occur due to high blood pressure or damage to capillary walls.
  • Prevention:
    • Role of Arterioles: Arterioles regulate blood flow into capillaries, reducing pressure and minimizing fluid leakage.

“Pitting” edema


  • Definition: Maintenance of a stable internal environment within the body.
  • Tissue Fluid Environment:
    • Must Remain Constant: Optimal levels of glucose, pH, waste removal, and temperature are essential for proper cell function.
  • Regulatory Mechanisms:
    • Blood-Brain Barrier, Kidney Function, Hormonal Control: Ensure stable internal conditions despite external changes.

Important Concepts

Permeability of Capillary Walls

  • Selective Permeability:
    • Small Molecules (e.g., Water, Ions): Pass through capillary walls easily.
    • Large Molecules (e.g., Albumin): Rarely pass through, remaining in the blood plasma.
  • Relationship with Molecular Mass:
    • Smaller Molecules: Higher permeability (e.g., Water with Relative Molecular Mass [RMM] 18, Permeability 1.00).
    • Larger Molecules: Lower permeability (e.g., Albumin with RMM 69,000, Permeability 0.00001).

Clinical Relevance

Albumin’s Importance:

  • Function: Maintains blood osmotic balance, preventing excessive fluid loss from capillaries into tissues.
  • Clinical Significance: Low levels can lead to fluid imbalances and swelling.


  • Definition: A severe form of malnutrition caused by protein deficiency.
  • Effects:
    • Low Plasma Protein Levels: Reduced albumin lowers blood osmotic pressure.
    • Fluid Buildup: Causes tissue fluid to accumulate in tissues, leading to swelling (edema).

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