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17.04 Selection Pressures and Survival

1. Survival and Reproduction

  • Survival: Not all individuals in a population survive to adulthood. Survival can be influenced by random events or by specific adaptive traits that enhance an organism’s ability to live in its environment.
  • Reproduction: Successful reproduction ensures that an organism’s genes are passed on to the next generation. Traits that improve reproductive success become more common over time.
  • Fitness:
    • Definition: Fitness refers to an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce, thereby transmitting its alleles (gene variants) to offspring.
    • Importance: High fitness increases the likelihood that an organism’s genes will be represented in future generations.

2. Example: Coat Color in Rabbits

  • Genetic Basis:
    • Agouti (Brown) Fur: Dominant allele (A). Provides effective camouflage in natural habitats, reducing the risk of predation.
    • White Fur: Recessive allele (a). Lacks effective camouflage, making individuals more conspicuous to predators.
  • Selection Dynamics:
    • Camouflage Advantage: Brown rabbits blend into their environment, enhancing survival and increasing their chances of reproducing.
    • Predation Risk: White rabbits are more easily spotted by predators, decreasing their survival and reproductive success.
  • Evolutionary Outcome:
    • Over time, the frequency of the agouti (A) allele increases in the population.
    • The frequency of the white (a) allele decreases and may eventually vanish if selective pressures remain consistent.

3. Impact of Predation as a Selection Pressure

  • Definition: Predation is a natural selection pressure where predators influence the survival and reproductive success of prey based on specific traits.
  • Mechanism:
    • Traits that reduce the likelihood of being eaten (e.g., camouflage, speed) are favored.
    • Traits that increase visibility to predators are selected against.
  • Long-Term Effects:
    • Enhanced traits become more prevalent within the population.
    • Less advantageous traits diminish in frequency, potentially disappearing.

4. Types of Selection in Populations

  • Natural selection can manifest in various forms, each shaping populations differently:

a. Stabilizing Selection

  • Definition: Stabilizing selection maintains the status quo by favoring average phenotypes and reducing variation.
  • Effect on Population:
    • Allele Frequencies: Remain relatively constant.
    • Genetic Diversity: Decreases as extreme phenotypes are selected against.
  • Example: Agouti Rabbits
    • Optimal Trait: Brown fur provides the best camouflage.
    • Outcome: Selection maintains the dominant brown coat color, preventing extreme variations like unusually light or dark fur.

b. Directional Selection

  • Definition: Directional selection favors one extreme phenotype over others, causing a shift in allele frequencies in one direction.
  • Effect on Population:
    • Allele Frequencies: Shift towards the favored extreme.
    • Genetic Diversity: Can increase if the environment continues to favor the extreme trait.
  • Examples:
    • Rabbits in Snowy Conditions:
      • Scenario: Increased snowfall leads to white environments.
      • Selection Pressure: White rabbits gain camouflage advantage.
      • Outcome: Frequency of the white (a) allele increases.
    • Industrial Melanism in the Peppered Moth (Biston betularia):
      • Pre-Industrial Era:
        • Dominant Form: Speckled (c) moths blend with lichen-covered trees.
        • Selection Pressure: Natural predation favors speckled moths in unpolluted areas.
      • Industrial Era:
        • Environmental Change: Pollution darkens tree bark by killing lichens.
        • Favored Form: Black (C) moths blend with darkened trees.
        • Outcome: Frequency of the black (C) allele increases near industrial areas.
      • Post-1970s Environmental Reversal:
        • Pollution Control: Reduction in pollution allows lichens to regrow.
        • Selection Pressure Reversed: Speckled moths regain camouflage advantage.
        • Outcome: Frequency of the speckled (c) allele increases.

c. Disruptive Selection

  • Definition: Disruptive selection favors both extreme phenotypes over intermediate forms, promoting diversity within a population.
  • Effect on Population:
    • Allele Frequencies: Increase for alleles associated with extreme traits.
    • Genetic Diversity: Increases as multiple phenotypes are maintained.
  • Example:
    • Body Size in a Population:
      • Scenario: Both very large and very small body sizes confer survival advantages in different niches.
      • Outcome: Both large and small individuals thrive, while intermediate sizes become less common.

5. Mutation and Selection

  • Mutation:
    • Definition: Random changes in the DNA sequence that can create new alleles.
    • Role in Evolution: Provides the genetic variation upon which natural selection acts.
  • Interaction with Selection:
    • Mutation Rate: The rate at which new alleles (e.g., the black (C) allele in moths) appear is generally constant and not influenced by environmental factors.
    • Selection Pressure: Determines which alleles increase or decrease in frequency based on their impact on fitness.

6. Directional Selection and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria

  • Antibiotic Resistance:
    • Mechanism:
      • Resistance genes often reside on plasmids, which can be transferred between bacteria through horizontal gene transfer.
      • Random mutations can also confer resistance (e.g., MRSA producing penicillinase).
    • Selection Pressure:
      • Presence of Antibiotics: Environments with antibiotics kill susceptible bacteria.
      • Survival of Resistant Strains: Bacteria with resistance genes survive and reproduce, spreading the resistance alleles rapidly.
  • Example: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA):
    • Mutation: Development of penicillinase enzyme that deactivates methicillin.
    • Spread: Resistant bacteria proliferate quickly, potentially growing from a single bacterium to billions within 24 hours.
  • Human Influence:
    • Overuse of Antibiotics: Increases the selection pressure for resistant strains, accelerating the spread of resistance.
    • Hospital Settings: High antibiotic usage and close patient proximity facilitate the rapid dissemination of resistant bacteria.
  • Interventions:
    • Restricting Antibiotic Use: Reducing unnecessary prescriptions helps slow the emergence and spread of resistance.
    • Outcome: Implementation of stricter antibiotic use guidelines post-2007 led to a decline in MRSA cases.

7. Key Terms

  • Antibiotic Resistance: The ability of bacteria to survive and proliferate despite the presence of antibiotic drugs, often due to genetic mutations or acquisition of resistance genes.
  • Selection Pressure: Environmental factors (e.g., predators, climate, antibiotics) that influence the survival and reproductive success of organisms, thereby affecting allele frequencies in a population.
  • Natural Selection: The process by which individuals with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, leading to an increase in the frequency of those traits in the population over generations.
  • Polymorphism: The presence of two or more distinct phenotypes within a population, maintained by factors such as disruptive selection or varying environmental conditions.
  • Fitness: An organism’s ability to survive and reproduce, thereby passing its genes to the next generation.
  • Allele Frequency: The proportion of a specific allele relative to the total number of alleles for that gene in a population.
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