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18.14 Sampling


  • Sampling helps estimate species abundance and population size in ecosystems.
  • It is impractical to count every organism, especially in large or complex areas, so samples are taken and used to make estimates.

Sampling Methods

  1. Random Sampling:
  • Definition: Positions of samples are chosen by chance to eliminate bias.
  • When to Use:
    • The area is uniform, or there is no visible pattern in species distribution.
  • Process:
    • Use measuring tapes to mark out the area.
    • Use a random number generator to determine sampling points (coordinates) for placing quadrats.
  1. Systematic Sampling:
  • Definition: Samples are taken at regular intervals or positions determined by the researcher.
  • When to Use:
    • To study patterns in species distribution (e.g., along a transect line from a beach to a forest).
  • Process:
    • Sampling points are evenly spaced, e.g., every 2 meters along a transect.

Using Quadrats for Sampling


  • Definition: Square frames used to define a specific area for sampling populations of organisms.
  • Common Sizes:
    • 0.25 m² for small organisms or dense populations.
    • 1.0 m² for larger or less dense populations.
  • Purpose:
    • Identify species within the quadrat.
    • Measure abundance using methods like frequency, density, or percentage cover.

Abundance Measures

  1. Species Frequency:
  • Definition: The proportion of quadrats where a species is present.

  1. Species Density:
  • Definition: The number of individuals per unit area.

  1. Percentage Cover:
  • Definition: The proportion of the quadrat area occupied by a species.
  • Method:
    • Divide a quadrat into smaller squares (e.g., 100 squares in a 1 m² quadrat).
    • Estimate the percentage of squares covered by each species.
  • Advantages:
    • Useful for species that form a continuous covering (e.g., grass, moss).
  • Disadvantages:
    • Subjective estimates can reduce accuracy.
    • May not capture overlapping species, leading to totals >100%.
  1. Abundance Scales (e.g., Braun–Blanquet Scale):
  • Assign values based on plant count or cover (Table 18.4).
  • Example:
    • Cover <1% = “+”, cover 26–50% = “3”, etc.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Estimates can be subjective.
    • Values may not accurately reflect actual abundance.

Worked Examples

Example 1: Red Sea Anemone Survey

  • Data from Table 18.5:
  • Quadrat area = 0.25 m².
  • Total number of anemones = 12.
  • Calculations:

    Example 2: Benghal Dayflower Survey

    • Data from Table 18.6:
    • Quadrat area = 1 m².
    • Two ecosystems: Lawn and Field.
    • Lawn:

    Key Terms

    • Random Sampling: Unbiased sampling method using random coordinates.
    • Systematic Sampling: Sampling at regular intervals or positions.
    • Species Frequency: Percentage of quadrats where a species is found.
    • Species Density: Number of individuals per unit area.
    • Percentage Cover: Proportion of a quadrat covered by a species.


    • Sampling methods like random quadrats allow for unbiased estimates of species abundance and distribution.
    • Use species frequency for general presence/absence and species density for detailed population estimates.
    • Tools like percentage cover and abundance scales are useful for plants and continuous-cover species but can introduce subjectivity.
    • Random placement of quadrats ensures results are representative of the whole ecosystem.
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